/BCO-DMO/GeTFeHvCOdia/accessions --species eq T._oceanica-- Level 1

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#   Thalassiosira oceanica and T._weissflogii Fe & light expt. -  GenBank and iMicrobe accessions
#   B. Jenkins (URI) & P. D. Chappell (ODU)
#   version: 2016-01-27
MMETSP_sample_id  iMicrobe_sample_accession  NCBI_BioSample_id  NCBI_study_accession  NCBI_BioProject_id  NCBI_SRA_id  
MMETSP0970        CAM_SMPL_002690            SAMN02739969       SRP042159             PRJNA231566         SRA166613    
MMETSP0971        CAM_SMPL_002696            SAMN02739970       SRP042159             PRJNA231566         SRA166613    
MMETSP0972        CAM_SMPL_002697            SAMN02739971       SRP042159             PRJNA231566         SRA166613    
MMETSP0973        CAM_SMPL_002702            SAMN02739972       SRP042159             PRJNA231566         SRA166613